April 5, 2006 - 7:30pm Where:
Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle, WA
6413 Seaview Ave NW
Sean T. Lamont Sean Lamont is an artist, technologist and general purpose geek. Sean is interested in using new technology to create interactive sensory spaces that challenge the ear, eye, and mind. Sean will be speaking about lightwave, an interactive laser instrument exhibited at burning man in 2001 and 2002 ,and subsequently in several other locations. He will also be talking about a project which is currently under development.
 Monika Proffitt Seattle-based artist Monika Proffitt will talk about the process of creating her latest work, The River Project. Within the structure of the installation that reflects a river's bed, the speakers' words flow away from the tributaries of their origin. For this interactive light and sound installation, she used a simple digital voice recorder, monitor speakers, LED lights, blown glaSS, BS2Sx microprocessors, and collaborated with technologist Brian Karr to use max/msp software.
Epiphanous VJs aren't just for MTV anymore! Using skills learned from mixing music has metamorphed into unique live experience. Only you can see it. Epiphanous has worked with a wide variety of artists and musicians around Seattle performing live visual video shows based on the music mixed in realtime.
YOU!!! Yes, if you have a project - any project, at any stage of completeness, an idea - any idea, at any stage of bakedness, an artwork - any kind of artwork at any stage of doneness, please do bring it along to the dorkbot meeting and claim your 10 minutes worth of fame after the presenters.