Dorkbot:76 Dorkbot Seattle 0x4C there in light and sound
February 1, 2012 - 7:00pm - 10:00pmWhere:
Please join us for the 76th dorkbot seattle! This month we are honored to have two speakers, Stelios Manousakis, and Maja Petrić who are both PhD candidates in the UW DXARTS program. As always we encourage you to support our generous hosts at Jigsaw Renaissance!
Stelios Manousakis - The sound of the network: WLAN echolocation for art

Stelios has developed a method of network echolocation to explore the physical yet invisible electromagnetic spaces created by Wireless Local Area Networks for his sound art installation 'The Network Is A Blind Space' (on exhibit at the Jack Straw New Media Gallery until 2/3/12). He will be talking about the technology behind the piece.
Stelios Manousakis is a composer, performer, researcher and sound artist striving to develop an artistic language that is both visceral and cerebral. To this end, he has been applying complexity science, cybernetic and biology-inspired models to his art.
Project link:
Maja Petrić -Transforming the poetic experience of space with light

I will be presenting my work that focuses on changing the perception of space in function of art. Therefore, the subjects of my work are perception, space and, art. To change perception, I study sensation, experience, and phenomenology. To create spatial situations, I practice designing spaces, fabricating structures, manipulating materials, and integrating lighting and audiovisual systems.
Maja Petrić is an artist, a PhD candidate and a predoctoral associate at University of Washington’s Center for Digital Art and Experimental Media (DXARTS). Her work is about changing the perception of space in function of art by use of lighting and audiovisual systems.
current exhibit
I hope to see you all there!