Dorkbot:71 Dorkbot Seattle 0x47 - water jets and cloud chambers
September 7, 2011 - 7:00pm - 10:00pmWhere:
Thanks to everyone who came out for ThingOut! in August. A great time was had by all, and lots of cool projects were presented. Now that it is September we are back to the regularly scheduled Dorkbots. This month we have Steve Tracy showing off him DIY water jet CNC water jet, and Rich Olson with a cool cloud chamber project.
As always we want to thank our generous hosts at Jigsaw Renaissance, and we encourage you to support them with a donation if you attend the meeting. And remember, please do not park in the lot behind Inscape!
Steve Tracy - Unique Ceramic Tile CNC Machine.
Steve will explain how he constructed his own water jet cutting CNC machine to make custom designed ceramic tilings, along with the software to run it. He will also share, briefly, his garage metal casting setup with which he made some of the parts on the CNC machine.
Steve is a Mechanical Engineer who never persued it as a career, and now does art and handyman work.
Steve has been making things for quite some time as you can see in this casting video he made some 30 years ago!
Rich Olson - Electronic Cloud Chamber - See Radioactivity!
Rich will be presenting his Electronic Cloud Chamber - a device that visualizes radioactivity (and how you can make one). He'll also talk briefly about his other projects (including a fan-powered bike), and cool things that happen when you share your projects online.
Cloud chamber video:
Rich Olson dabbles in electronics, robotics, radioactivity and reluctantly develops software to pay the bills. He both shares and sells some of his projects at .